10 research outputs found

    MISMATCH: A basis for semi-automatic functional mixed-signal test-pattern generation

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    This paper describes a tool which assists the designer in the rapid generation of functional tests for mixed-signal circuits down to the actual test-signals for the tester. The tool is based on manipulating design data, making use of macro-based test libraries and tester resources provided by the test engineer, and computer-based interaction with the designe

    Smart Sensor System Application: An Integrated Compass

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    A fully integrable electronic compass has been designed based on the pulse position method, using micro-machined fluxgate magnetic sensors. The compass has been designed to have an accuracy of one degree. The analogue and digital circuitry in the system fit on a single Sea-of-Gates array of 200 k transistors. Together with the sensors it will be combined on a single MC

    The design of chip architectures for accurate inner product computation

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    Wireless Sensortechnologie bij Calamiteiten

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    Na twee jaar met veel studenten te hebben gewerkt aan het project Wireless Sensortechnologie bij Calamiteiten geeft dit boek een overzicht van de activiteiten die zijn uitgevoerd. In 14 deelprojecten verspreid over vier werkpakketten hebben vooral studenten onder leiding van docenten en medewerkers van het Saxion-lectoraat Ambient Intelligence in het Kenniscentrum Design en Technologie van Saxion zich verdiept in een breed scala van onderwerpen. Na een eerste verkenning door middel van literatuurstudie en verkenning van de markt is er gewerkt aan praktische oplossingen van problemen. In de meeste gevallen zijn de oplossingen vormgegeven in echte systemen met de nodige hard-en software. Bij de testen en de experimenten werd duidelijk in hoeverre de oplossing ook echt voldeed als antwoord op de onderzoeksvraag die aan het begin gesteld werd. Alle deelprojecten zijn beschreven en aan het eind van het boek worden de belangrijkste conclusies op een rij gezet

    MIMU PDR with bias estimation using an optimization-based approach.

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    Traditional IMU based PDR systems suffer from rapidly growing drift effects due to the inherent bias of the inertial sensor. Many existing solutions to mitigate this problem use aiding sensors or information as heuristics or map data. We propose a new optimization framework to solve the PDR estimation problem where the sensors biases are explicitly included as state variables and therefore be used to correct for bias effects in the PDR. By using a smoothing approach and exploiting the rigid structure of a MIMU array one can solve for the slowly varying sensor biases. This paper presents the method and gives an exemplary result of a walking trial. Good agreements in the position and orientation with an optical reference system were found. Moreover, accelerometer and gyroscope biases could be estimated accordingly. Further research includes the performance of more experiments under various conditions such that a more quantitative evaluation can be obtained. In addition, an exploration of a (pseudo) realtime filter version would be valuable such that the system can be applied online

    A Tool for Automatic Test Plan Generation For Mixed-Signal Circuits

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    In this paper, a tool for the automatic test plan generation for mixed-signal circuits is described. It is used during the design and test traject of a mixed-signal circuit. The functional hierarchy of the analogue parts and the data present in the design database are used for test selection. The reuse of design and test data has been made possible by means of a library-based approach. Results of the developed tool on the design and test of a mixed-signal circuit are presented. Keywords--- mixed-signal testing, functional ATPG, design/test link I. Introduction The increasing production of mixed-signal circuits in the last decade has made their time-to-market cost an important issue. Test development and testing costs make up significant portions of the costs of most mixed-signal circuits. Because of the lack of standard design-for-testability techniques and automatic test development methods for mixed-signal circuits, a large portion of the tests for prototype and production testing ..

    The Reduction of Test-Time in VLIW-TTA Processors

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    In this paper the implementation of the test strategy in a so-called Very Long Instruction Word Transport Triggered Architecture (VLIW-TTA) is discussed. The complete test strategy is derived referring to the results of test synthesis, carried out in the early phase of the design. It takes the area/throughput parameters into account. The test strategy, exploiting the regularity and modularity of the VLIW-TTA structure, remains general for an arbitrary application and instantiation of the TTA processor and is based on the partial scan approach along with the functional test. The test-time analysis, in order to justify our approach and show the superiority over the classical full-scan, has been performed. The results of our strategy are shown in a few examples at the end of the paper

    Ervaringen met ICT-onderzoek in het HBO

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    In dit artikel wordt het belang aangegeven van onderzoeksvaardigheden in het HBO. Met de komst van de lectoraten en de nieuwe positionering van het HBO is het belangrijk om een antwoord te vinden hoe het onderzoek binnen het HBO vorm gegeven moet worden. Hierbij wordt gekeken naar de bruikbaarheid van verschillende onderzoeksmethoden en naar rollen die een student binnen een curriculum in het onderzoek kan hebben. Dit artikel is een bijdrage van de lectoraten Ambient Intelligence van Saxion, Hogeschool van Amsterdam en Fontys aan NIOC 2011 en is verschenen in de Proceedings van NIOC 2011